Our experts for Employee Experience

Lisa Aigner Expertin für Evaluierung psychischer Belastungen ASchG

Lisa Aigner, MSc


Lisa Aigner is a certified occupational and organisational psychologist as well as a registered health psychologist and a certified psychological trainer. As a consultant, she manages our projects in the field of employee surveys. Her professional experience in health psychology and coaching makes Lisa a real expert in employee engagement, employee satisfaction and work-life balance. This also benefits our clients, for whom Lisa designs and conducts operational evaluations of mental stress (ASchG).

What colleagues say: “When Lisa speaks, as if time stands still. With her charisma and her balanced manner, she brings our focus back to the essential and our mind back to the centre.”

Find out in the interview with Lisa Aigner (in German only) why single-tasking as well as targeted and conscious breaks at work are among her basics!

Verena Berisha, MSc

Survey & Reporting Expert

Verena Berisha is a socioeconomist. As a Survey & Reporting Expert, she shares her experience from designing and administrating various market research projects. Complex data might be intimidating for others, Verena’s knack for data analysis is the key to specific recommendations of action.

What colleagues say: “Verena is a motivated personality who approaches her work passionately. With her strong affinity for numbers, she solves even the most complex challenges effortlessly. Her joyful work is contagious and always ensures a positive atmosphere in the team.”

Find out in the interview with Verena Berisha (in German only) what the versatile tasks in the area of emloyee surveys are!

Noch kein Foto vorhanden

Linda Fuchs, MA

Junior Survey and Reporting Specialist

Linda Fuchs is a sociologist. As a Junior Survey & Reporting Expert at vieconsult, Linda is particularly interested in employee surveys, where she can make perfect use of her experience in qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Linda is familiar with various questionnaire programming tools and evaluation software and brings the perfect combination of problem-solving skills and curiosity for working with data to the team.

Karoline Hier Betriebswirtin Office Managerin

Mag. Karoline Hier

Office Manager

Business economist Karoline Hier holds the threads together in the vieconsult office. As our office manager, she is the interface to the tax consultancy and the first point of contact for internal HR-related issues. In addition, Karo coordinates our follow-up coachings and events and convinces with her versatility, humor and problem-solving skills.

What colleagues say: “Karo, the pragmatist in the team, always has a light-hearted joke on her lips and is the good soul of vieconsult – and for the team also often the door to Gerd, our managing director: what he doesn’t know, she has at the ready!”

Find out in the interview with Karoline Hier (in German only) what particularly motivates her about the vieconsult team spirit!

Blerta Huber Expertin 360-Grad-Feedback

Blerta Huber, MSc

Senior Consultant

Blerta Huber is a socio-economist and trained sociocratic interviewer. As a highly experienced consultant, she designs and manages our 360-degree feedback projects. Blerta especially impresses with her dedicated and structured way of working, as well as her empathy. In addition, she is constantly educating herself in business mediation and mediative competencies in leadership and consulting, thus enriching our communication and consulting competencies.

What colleagues say: “Blerta is a proactive doer who approaches things professionally and always recognises an opportunity for learning and further development.”

In the interview with Blerta Huber (in German only) you can learn about her best working moments at vieconsult!

Sonja Jovanovic Expertin 360-Grad-Feedback Employee Experience

Mag. Sonja Jovanovic

Senior Consultant | Team Lead 360-degree Feedback

Sonja Jovanovic is a sociologist and certified psychological coach. As an experienced senior consultant, she is our expert for 360-degree feedback. In addition to designing and implementing 360-degree feedback projects, Sonja leads our 360-degree team. As a psychological coach, Sonja accompanies transfer discussions with managers and supports them on how to work with feedback results. In addition, she contributes her expertise to internal process optimisation and knowledge transfer and always takes a solution-oriented and humorous approach.

What colleagues say: “Sonja is the strategist in the team who keeps a cool head even in tricky situations and is a real rock in the wall for us colleagues.”

Read the interview with Sonja Jovanovic (in German only) to find out why she enjoys managing international 360-degree feedback projects at vieconsult!

Sophie Müller Expertin Mitarbeiterbefragung Emplyee Experience

Mag. Sophie Müller, Bakk. (maternity leave)


Sophie Müller is a psychologist and certified occupational, organisational and business psychologist (AAP) as well as a certified psychological trainer. She specialises in employee surveys and evaluations of psychological stress in the workplace and brings extensive experience in measuring employee experience.

What colleagues say: “With her eloquent and warm communication style, Sophie is a calming influence in every project phase. With an eye for everything, she always keeps an overview and it’s hard to imagine the vieconsult team without her!”

Find out in the interview with Sophie Müller (in German only) why we offer a tailor-made and long-term positive contribution to our clients!

Cornelia Murko Datenamanagerin für Mitarbeiterbefragungen

Cornelia Müller-Murko, MSc (maternity leave)

Survey & Reporting Expert

Cornelia Müller-Murko is a certified occupational and organisational psychologist. As a Survey & Reporting Expert at vieconsult, she builds on her professional experience in research and the software industry. Cornelia designs our survey tools and prepares data in a particularly elegant way.

What colleagues say: “Conny asks exactly the right questions to improve our tools and present the data in a user-friendly way. She is not only a down-to-earth analyst, but also an inspiring and heart-loving teammate.”

Read the interview with Cornelia Müller-Murko (in German only) to find out which survey & reporting skills are particularly in demand at vieconsult!

Ada Sil Patterer Consultant für Führungskräftefeedbacks bei vieconsult

Dr. Ada Sil Patterer, BA


Ada Sil Patterer is a psychologist as well as a certified psychological trainer and is currently writing her dissertation at the University of Vienna. As a consultant for 360-degree feedback, she brings background knowledge in the field of work and organisational psychology, but also a lot of practical experience in project work.

What her colleagues say: “Ada won us over from day 1 with her positive charisma. She transforms complex theories and models into charming stories and also provides the team with Korean snacks. We like!”

Read the interview with Ada Sil Patterer (in German only) about her activities at vieconsult or her next marathon challenge!

Claudia Pühringer ist Projektmanagerin bei vieconsult

Mag. Claudia Pühringer


Claudia Pühringer is a business psychologist and a certified occupational and organizational psychologist. As a consultant, she uses her experience in project management and her know-how from market research to conduct our employee surveys. With a strong affinity for numbers, a lot of empathy and calmness, Claudia designs effective surveys and clarifies questions regarding our project processes.

What colleagues say: “Claudia is a helpful tinkerer and a structured analyst. Her collected nature and calm manner also make her a popular office colleague.”

Find out in the interview with Claudia Pühringer (in German only) how our work differs from market research.

Linda Stöttinger Survey & Reporting Expert

Linda Stöttinger, MA (maternity leave)

Junior Survey & Reporting Expert

Linda Stöttinger is a sociologist, educationalist and marketing and consumer researcher. As a Survey & Reporting Expert, she oversees our surveys from the statistical conception of the questionnaires to the presentation of results. With her professional experience in market research, Linda broadens our competences and perspectives.

What colleagues say: “You can rely on Linda! She always works in a structured and detailed manner with a lot of verve and joy. She also inspired us with her fascinating off-road travel stories.”

Read the interview with Linda Stöttinger (in German only) to find out how the cooperation in our team works!

Veronika Testor, BA

Digital Marketing Assistant

Veronika Testor studied journalism and communication science. As vieconsult’s Digital Marketing Assistant she is responsible for our social media activities and enriches our digital presence online with her creative ideas.

What her colleagues say: “Veronika brings a lot of positive energy to the team and lives out her versatility not only athletically but also creatively. The world can’t be big enough for her.”

Read the interview with Veronika Testor (in German only) to find out what the her versatile tasks as digital marketing assistant are and how she preferably spends her leisure time!

Kirsti Zrunek ist Consultant bei vieconsult

Kirsti Zrunek, MSc

Consultant | Business Development Manager

Kirsti Zrunek is a certified occupational and organisational psychologist as well as a certified psychological trainer. As a consultant for employee surveys, she immediately recognises the needs of our clients and knows how successful cooperation and targeted measurement of employee experience work. With her experience in the start-up sector, she also contributes to the continuous development of vieconsult as Business Development Manager. Her progressive approach and strong communication skills make her the epitome of the new-work agility that vieconsult stands for.

This is what her colleagues say: “Kirsti brings a noticeable breath of fresh air to our team and was able to convince us right away with her positive, dynamic manner and ease – it’s hard to imagine the vieconsult family without her!”

Read the interview with Kirsti Zrunek (in German only) to find out what she finds exciting about working at vieconsult!

Lisa Aigner Expertin für Evaluierung psychischer Belastungen ASchG

Lisa Aigner, MSc

Verena Berisha, MSc

Noch kein Foto vorhanden

Linda Fuchs, MA

Karoline Hier Betriebswirtin Office Managerin

Mag. Karoline Hier

Blerta Huber Expertin 360-Grad-Feedback

Blerta Huber, MSc

Sonja Jovanovic Expertin 360-Grad-Feedback Employee Experience

Mag. Sonja Jovanovic

Sophie Müller Expertin Mitarbeiterbefragung Emplyee Experience

Mag. Sophie Müller, Bakk. (maternity leave)

Cornelia Murko Datenamanagerin für Mitarbeiterbefragungen

Cornelia Müller-Murko, MSc (maternity leave)

Ada Sil Patterer Consultant für Führungskräftefeedbacks bei vieconsult

Dr. Ada Sil Patterer, BA

Claudia Pühringer ist Projektmanagerin bei vieconsult

Mag. Claudia Pühringer

Linda Stöttinger Survey & Reporting Expert

Linda Stöttinger, MA (maternity leave)

Veronika Testor, BA

Kirsti Zrunek ist Consultant bei vieconsult

Kirsti Zrunek, MSc

Our management

Gerd Beidernikl

Founder & Owner | Managing Director

Gerd Beidernikl is a sociologist, systemic coach, certified psychological trainer, certified management consultant and certified data protection expert. He has been assisting companies in questions of organisational development for 20 years and is one of the top experts in the field of employee surveys and 360-degree feedback in Austria, Germany and in Switzerland.

As managing director of vieconsult, Gerd proves every day anew that the development of an exceptional corporate culture starts with the “employee experience” – also in his own company. He ensures that we enjoy coming to work on Monday mornings just as much as we enjoy going into the weekend on Friday afternoons. His innovative spirit and optimistic let’s-do-it attitude contribute to the fact that we are constantly growing and improving our performance both as individuals and as a team at vieconsult.

What colleagues say: “Gerd is a true visionary and always one step ahead, yet remains flexible and has both feet on the ground in everyday project work. Despite the busy schedule, he always manages to conjure up a free time slot for the team, to find an open ear for every team member and to spread a positive mood – he literally lives our vision of wanting to be ‘Best Employer’!”

Find out in the interview with Gerd Beidernikl (in German only) what motivated him to found vieconsult GmbH!

Gerd Beidernikl Experte für Employee Experience und vieconsult Geschäftsführer

Our values


Be professional!

We know what we can and cannot do. We are professionals in our work, and thus we learn something every day. Professionalism is not a condition; it is our approach during all projects.


Keep it simple.

The world is complex, maybe even VUCA. Let’s not make it even more complicated! We are looking for effective solutions that make a difference for our customers.


Show passion 🙂

We love what we do and the fact that our projects have a positive impact on jobs worldwide. We share this passion with our customers.
Life is too short for ineffective projects!

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